Saturday, May 26, 2012

Of Prohibition and Speakeasies (;

     So one of my favorite decades to learn about is the 20's. I love the flapper fashion, bright red lips, and short elegant hair! And the speakeasies, gangs, and Prohibition add some mystery and romance (;
     So one day a couple weeks ago I decided I'd try a flapper makeup/hair look, and this is what I got! 
(And I had fun editing this!)

Hehe, me back in the good old days, with my long cigarette (a.k.a skinnny makeup brush)


 I had to use a thousand bobbypins to do this!

Just flapping away again(;
For some reason blogspot won't stop flipping these last two though.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

These Days

So these days until my freedom from school are quite boring.

Right now, I'm in the process of making a quiche! It's gonna have bacon, leeks, onions, thyme, and eggs and stuff... should be delish! I wish I could take a picture of it and show you guys, but my camera's got no batteries :'( So also no more vlogs for a little bit.

AND MY BDAY WAS MAY 22!!! I feel so old, being 17. I'll be 18 in a year! And legal to drink in every country except the USA. And call and order for my own PILLOW PET off the commercials! :o

I also had a dental appointment today, and shall soon have braces, which I badly need, so thank the lord. But I hate being 17 and getting braces. BUT my dentist said it was actually common. Speaking her of, she's half filipino too, but has blue eyes and blonde hair! Her facial structure is really Asian-looking though.

I still need to finish my Female Sterilization Birth Control Powerpointtttt. It's just so difficult. Oh well, I'll get to it tonight. I did start my "summer homework" early though, I've already started reading the book Haroun and the Sea of Stories, which I'll be acting out or something whilst in NYC! AHHH, I cannotttt wait!!! I've also started studying a mini-map of Manhattan I found.

In June, I want to:

  • Clean my room SPOTLESS
  • Get to know basics of my NYC maps by heart!
  • Learn a little of the NYC subway systems... yikesss.
  • Read Haroun and the Sea of Stories completely, to be prepared!
  • Start driver's classes
  • Get a job
These should all be pretty easy-ish, except the last one, lol. I'm starting to like people less and less, I really need a break from them. At least the ones at my school!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Vlog #1 - The Old Man is Roaring!

So, because I wanted to vlog the whole time I'm in NYC, I figured I might as well get a head start now. The videos really bad quality because I can't find batteries for my actual camera, so I'm using my webcam. 
This is from Yesterdayy! (:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Holy Smokes!

Mhmm, that's right, I uploaded it! My french skit. It's lame but it was my first time on stage (since I was 5, lol)

Thursday, May 17, 2012



YUHGUISE, I was accepted to the Writers on Stage summer program in NYC! I'm so excited!!!

This totally me right now:

Lmao,  but seriously. I can't stress how amazing an experience this will be for me. Before high school, like, literally even the summer right before, I was sooo into writing. But after taking all these honors/AP classes, having a sucky boyfriend and friends, and all the drama therafter, I had so much going on I literally had no time or inspiration to write! But this creative writing (and acting- YEESH!) may just help me find my way back to it, and maybe I'll even go down a different road in life... like travel journalism, or photo journalism!

The only problem I can imagine having is the acting part - I hope to the lawd all mighty I don't make a fool of myself. Especially because I do worse in front of a small group of people, I'd way rather act in front of a full auditorium or something. I'll probably be googling tips on performing on stage ALL the time, especially with my horrible anxieties... but I'll get over it! I honestly feel like the best possible thing for me at a time when I just lost all my friends and had my heart broken by a douche was throwing myself into a time and practically life consuming production I did last April!

We had French foreign exchange students, so some of the french class students(us) teamed up with them to do a skit on French/American sterotypes! It was hilarious. I'll have to upload my skit. Even though it wasn't as good as the rest, it means alot to me, okayy?! lol. I was at a really bad point in my pathetic little high school life where even though it wasn't obviously, the whole world felt like it was crashing down around me. (Keep in mind I was a freshman! Dramaticness was my life!) Yet somehow, throwing myself into the production where I only knew 2 of the people (the ones in my group), couldn't speak the same language as half of them, and had only ever seen the rest, I still managed to feel confident and happy as ever on the performance night, there in front of my whole school! And I didn't even know the people I was working with - I can't wait to get to know these people, and hopefully become friends with them, for a month!

Oh, and did I mention this is all free? Yeah, I feel so lucky right now!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gaga-ing it Up!

So I'm homesick from school right now, and bored.... like my new hair??

I feel like I look more asian with blonde hair!

Close ups!

LOL jk, it's my wig from last Halloween when I was Lady Gaga! (:

 And this me without the blonde Gaga wig, in case you forgot (;
What's your preference? Comment belowwww!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I hate Block Days!

This block day especially sucks, because I have periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. Math is 7th, and is KILLS me. Ughh. 2 hours of Geometry? No thank you. I feel like killing myself every time I walk through that door :p

And of course, for some reason, the enchilada girl I hate followed me into my 5th period class and decided to sit by me and try to talk to me. But I have such a bad history with that girl, and she's recently been rude af to me, so I was like HELLLLSNOOO! God. People irritate me sometimes.

Well, nothing else much interesting happened today. So dassall.